Have you ever walked down a street and have a stranger treat you with a simple genuine smile?
A simple smile from a stranger that made you tingle inside. A simple smile which gave you a momentary "connection" with someone you didn't know or wouldn't even ever get to know.
But a smile that probably made you feel good, made your day, or maybe even given you a lifetime impression...
Now, how could a something so simple such as the upward curving of the corners of the mouth or eyes; from an unknown stranger, have translated to something so powerful? A true, genuine simple smile is one from the heart and is not as simple as the physical aspects of it or from pure body language. Many people percieve beautiful people giving beautiful smiles, but then again, a true genuine and simple smile from the not so physically attractive people could warm up the coldest of hearts.
So maybe, just maybe... you may want to think about that simple inner smile of yours. It may spread to the hearts of the many people out there that may need a little touching, a little cheering up or even a touch of love. If anything else, at minimum, it should spread a little more joy to your own life.
I should try practice it more often myself :D
:) :)