This incessant insomnia’s killing me
I hope it’ll not be the death of me
Thoughts of life, love, work
The things one could have gained or lost
Keep running through this obscured mind
Of what has been lost and what can be gained
And the passions of life that can be lived and strived for
To what end, my endeavors can be denied
But then I know, I should take the step to strive
There are some things you desire, some things more than most
And fears always are an obstacle
Preventing you from taking what you think is an awkward plunge
Afraid of potentially losing
When without breaking that fear, you actually have none
Wish I could think simply,
Wish I could just go with the my flow
Of thinking and doing, with no fears to hold me down
And maybe I’ll make it happen
And maybe succeed I won’t
But I know I would have fought the good fight
And a good experience will all this have shown